Soft Pink

Friday, October 7, 2011

Red Apple

I am 23 weeks this week and feeling pretty good. My stomach is growing and I am feeling pregnant now. Growing is good,  because that means Gracie is continuing to grow. My placenta is in the front of my stomach, which is making it difficult to feel movement. The doctor said I should start to feel more movement at 24 weeks, which is what I am praying for. I would love to feel her moving in there and I know Corey would love to be able to feel her kicking in there.

I have a doctors appointment this coming Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 1:50pm. It is just a regular one, so no ultrasound. I wish I could do a ultrasound every appointment. I will get to hear her heartbeat, so I am very much looking forward to that. I will update how the appointment goes.

Pray for me to feel movement!!!

I have to share this picture with you. I was in a really good friend of mine's wedding in September. One it shows you my belly but two it shows you the reason for the title of this post. I feel I look like a red apple. It cracks me up.

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers for us three. We are so blessed by all of you. Also, thank you for your encouraging words. It truly helps to read them and find them comforting. We are feeling the love!!


  1. Dear sweet girl, you are sooooo loved, and covered in prayer. You are all being held in God's loving hands. "Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." (Psalm 139:16)

  2. You are beautiful my friend! Love u & Gracie too. :)

  3. You are the apple of my eye. Love you. Dad

  4. We love you all and our prayers are with your family. You look beautiful!!!!

  5. You look amazing my friend! Love you! Kimi :)

  6. Look at that beautiful, pregnant glow! You are a wonderfully strong woman, Emily. I pray strength and courage as you, Corie and Gracie continue the journey ahead. Just remember, God is right there with you through it all.
