Soft Pink

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

24 weeks and Doctors Appointment Update

Yesterday was the beginning of the 24th week! I went to the doctor yesterday and got to hear Gracie's heartbeat and get my stomach measured, which is growing. On that end everything is looking good and heartbeat was normal and strong. I did ask to see if it would be possible to get a 3D ultrasound at no extra cost to us. My doctor thinks that would be a great thing to have done, and she tried to find out while I was there if it was possible. They called a few people and she is going to need to call the head of ultrasound and she will let me know. Pray that we get one!

I am feeling a bit of movement from Gracie here and there, so I think soon I will be feeling her more often. Continue to pray!!

I am putting together a scrapbook with all of Gracie's ultrasound pictures and I am adding all of the encouraging and wonderful comments you guys leave on this blog and Facebook in the scrapbook. It is turning out beautiful, so thank you. Thanks for praying for us and for Gracie. Without all this support from friends and family, it would be an even more difficult road to walk. You are all a true blessing to us!!


  1. Yay! Gracie is such a strong little girl!! Can't wait to see you SIS and that growing belly of yours! ; )

  2. So Happy that Gracie is growing, I am praying every day. I think about you so often and especially when I read my devotions.

  3. Awww, baby Gracie- so happy you are strong @ 24 weeks! Good girl for kicking your momma! We are praying for you & love you! I am sending a present for you today! Love, Auntie Krissy
