Soft Pink

Monday, September 26, 2011

A poem a good friend found on another blog and shared with me. Wanted to share with you all. Comforting words.

Whatever my God ordains is right,
Here shall my stand be taken;
Though sorrow, or need, or death be mine,
Yet I am not forsaken,
My Father’s care circles me there,
He holds me that I shall not fall,
And so to Him I leave it all.
~Samuel Rodigast

Another friend put me in touch with her friend who is going through something similiar with her pregnancy. Be praying for her and her little boy. She put this at the end of one of her messages to me and I really liked it. All we are able to do is wait for the Lord and see what His plans are for Gracie.

"I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the LORD."-Ps. 27: 13-14

1 comment:

  1. She looks beautiful.. In my mind.. I see her with a small baby headband with a little pink satin bow around her head. All baby girls need a cute little headband. I know she can feel your unfailing love for her...and our love for her through you...we hug her with our hearts... no baby or person could ever wish for more than that...
    Thank you for the pictures..
