Soft Pink

Friday, January 13, 2012

Poem for Gracie - By Grandpa Steve Darlington

A week ago today we laid Gracie Ann to rest, and it was such sweet sorrow. With family, our friend Erik did such a sweet burial service for her. It has been one of the hardest things to do through this journey, watching our little baby being lowered into the ground. John 16:33 - I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” One of my favorite verses and one that reminds me that God has plan for us and that He is with us through the pain and sorrow.

Last Saturday, we had a memorial service for Gracie and again our friend Erik did a beautiful service for her. As hard as doing these cermonies for when someone passes, I am so glad we did them. It was time of closure and hope in reminding us that Gracie is with Jesus and we will all meet her again someday. Also, a time to honor Gracie's life, short lived, but one that will impact us and many others for a lifetime. My dad surprised me by reading a poem that he wrote for her. A beautiful poem that I will treasure for as long as I live. I would like to share it with you all, his permission was granted.

Gracie Ann Kukis

Gracie Ann a name so sweet
For a life so short,
But not ours to ask why.
But ours to love for a lifetime.

Gracie Ann loved into this world,
By parents that loved you so,
And trusted in God without fear
To bring you into this world for a time so dear.

Gracie Ann who will be missed for a lifetime
By a father that you would have adored
As he shared with you a faith in Jesus
So strong you could not resist.

Gracie Ann in you, we would see your mothers
Love come through in your beauty,
A beauty that would radiate from the inside out
Displayed in your pretty manners and love for life.

Gracie Ann the countless hours you would have
Spent with Granny Laura sharing
her love for plays, movies and books,
Especially her love for Charlotte's Web. 

Gracie Ann your time spent with Nana Kukis,
Would be filled with learning a love for gardening,
And of course a love for games, hours I am sure
would be spent under the shade playing Candyland. 

Gracie Ann your love for music would come from
Your Grandpa Pete, who would do patio concerts
Just for you with his banjo and other instruments.
I am sure a "Jesus Loves Me" would be included.

Gracie Ann from your Grandpa Steve you would
Have to put up with hours of silly jokes,
But we would love watching the world pass us by without
taking it all too seriously.

Gracie Ann family would mean so much to you,
You would have many "favorite" aunties and uncles,
Great grandparents, cousins, and friends. 
Gatherings for all occasions would be treasures for a lifetime.

Gracie Ann the One who knitted you in your mothers womb,
Has called you home all to soon, but we all know you will be
There waiting for each of us as we make our journies home,
where we will find you resting in His arms. 

Here are few pictures I would like to share with you that the photographer got to me for the memorial service. I can't wait to see the rest.
Gracie Ann

Gracie's sweet foot, with our wedding rings and a braclet my mom got for me

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful Emily. I cried as I read the poem. Such sweet joy and sorrow mixed together. Such awe in what God has and will accomplish through such a short precious life. Much love to you both :)
