Soft Pink

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Yesterday I got to meet the most amazing, beautiful, and precious little girl.  I so miss her already.

It's with thankfulness to her Creator that I announce:

Gracie Ann Kukis
Born December 30th
4:31 pm
2 pounds, 8 ounces
15 inches long

Seeing the strength, love, and courage that the Lord granted to Corey and Emily throughout her birth and the time in the hospital was one of the most profound blessings I have ever experienced.  I know I can say for so many of us, that our hearts go out to them.  Gracie was blessed with amazingly faithful parents. Let's continue in prayer for this precious family.

With love, on Em's behalf-
Posted by Kristen

1 comment:

  1. Em and Corey, thank you for sharing your experience, love, and faithfulness with us. I am praying for all of you.
    In Him, Tina
