Soft Pink

Friday, December 2, 2011

31 weeks update...

Yesterday, I had a rountine check up. I am 31 weeks and measuring 36 weeks, because of all the extra fluid in there. It explains when I tell people how far along I am, they reply with, "Oh, you look a lot further along." Extra fluid just means Gracie is having a hard time swallowing in there. Also, having extra fluid the doctor says I will most likley go in to pre-term labor, because the fluid will eventually cause my water to break. Gracie might be a December baby just like her mommy. My due date is January 31 and it would be great if I could make it that far. Although, if I am measuring 36 weeks now, then geez, I would be huge and super uncomfortable by the end of January. Only God knows when Gracie will come. I told Corey a few weeks back, I wish God could show me a glimpse of Gracie entering into the world and how that it is going to play out. Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Then we wouldn't be able to grow in our faith and trust Him, if I knew what was going to happen. Right? Not always the easiest thing, but makes this path much easier to walk when I do.

A few other things from the appointment, Gracie's hearbeat was a good, but difficult to hear because she was moving a lot in there. The doctor said with all the fluid she is able to move around a lot and change position, which made it difficult for the doctor to feel what position Gracie is in. I pray Gracie is the right position when I go into labor. I would like to not have a c-section, but is okay with it if it is better for Gracie and I.

In the last 3 weeks, I have been able to feel her move in there for a little bit each day. It is still not as much from talking to other moms and how much they felt their baby move. Corey has gotten to feel her 3 times, which is so great!! I really wanted him to be able to feel Gracie move. He enjoys it also.

Prayer requests at this point would be to continue to pray for Gracie. I am also getting a bit nervous and scared about delivering her, so you could pray for that. There is a high risk of her not making it through labor, which is really tough on Trisomy 18 baby or any baby with a birth defect. Corey and I love her so much and can't wait to meet her, no matter what that looks like, but still a little nerve-racking. I do know that with all the support we are getting, that we will be able to cope with whatever comes our way when that day comes and that Gracie is strong little girl. Gracie has a lot of family/friends cheering her on and praying for her. We are so very thankful!!


  1. What a sweet update - thank you Emily!! Thinking about you, Corey and your beautiful Gracie often and praying. Love you guys!!!

  2. Emily, you are such a strong woman. I don't know how you can possibly bear this heart aches with you. But I continue to pray for a healthy baby!! I know anything is possible with God. Hang in there friend. Love you lots. Lord, I pray for peace over Emily, Corey and baby...

  3. This update is wonderful Emily. I am so thankful for you and Corey and Gracie. I think of you so often and keep you always in my heart and in my prayers. I pray that God's transcending peace will wash over your little family. I pray for extra strength for you and Gracie as delivery approaches. I love you, Emily, and am so proud of you.

  4. Emily & Corey,

    Thank You for the update; great scripture! Deanne and I, and our family and praying with you guys. I appreciate your heart, attitude, and faith. Our hope and prayer is that Gracie will be a miracle baby. But as you have said, it is all in God's hands; and while sometime hard, that is the very-best place for her to be!

    With Love,
    Randy & Deanne, and Family

    Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

  5. Hey Ems!

    Little Gracie is so blessed to have you as a mommy. You and Corey have such an amazing love for her, and I admire that greatly. I praise God for the experience that you have been able to feel her, and hear her heart beat. This is a huge answer to prayer. Praise God! Jesus is walking beside you every moment of the day, and during the most difficult days he will carry you. You talked about one of my favorite verses in this post, and I believe every word of it. Continue trusting in Him, and you will overcome all things. I love you greatly my friend.

    Sisters in Christ,

