Soft Pink

Thursday, December 29, 2011

December 29, 2011

Hello all.  This is Kristen, Emily's friend writing.  It is through tears and with a heavy heart that I share that today Gracie Ann Kukis went home to be with Jesus.  At a routine appointment this morning, Emily learned that Gracie had died.  As I type they are inducing her, and the hope is that she'll be able to deliver her naturally.

While we take comfort in the fact that Gracie is now perfect, and in the arms of Jesus, I know we are all deeply grieved at her loss and for the unimaginable pain that Emily and Corey are in right now.  Please pray for a delivery that is healthy for Emily.  Please pray for strength and comfort, and peace for both Corey and Emily.  Please also pray for safe travels for the friends and family that are flying in to be with them during this time.  I am getting on a plane in a few hours, and will continue to post in Emily's absence, as she wishes.  God is mighty and He is good- may His peace be with you all.

Posted by Kristen


  1. My heart is breaking. Praying for Corey and Emily. We love you guys!!

  2. I am so very sad. Such a huge loss for Emily and Corey to bear. But "underneath are the everlasting arms." (Dt. 33:27) I pray for their strengthening and comfort and peace...and that joy will soon return to their hearts, knowing Gracie Ann is IN those everlasting arms, just as those same mighty arms are underneath them now. With much love and many prayers, Roberta

  3. Dear Corey and Emily, My heart is breaking for you. Praying for strength and comfort. Praying that your friends will hold you up in the coming days as my friends did after we lost our daughter. Praying for God's arms to hug you closely to Him.

    Karen Harding

  4. Gracie Ann has been swallowed up by life 2 corinthians 5-4.. She beat us to the prize of eternal life.. I have an attachment to heaven that I did not have before this day. I will meet her and reclaim what I am missing now

  5. My sweet little there soon sister!

  6. I am so very sorry for your loss Emily and Corey. You don't know me, read about your loss by a friend on facebook.

    I know your pain all too well, I lost my daughter Rebekah Joy, on April 18, 2005 at 24w 1d gestation. The Lord hears our cries and comforts us. Know you are not alone in your grief, for me we had a funeral service for our daughter which gave me closure of what happened. At her funeral we had the support of 42 people, people that knew us and loved us, people that would never get to meet my sweet baby girl here on earth. They remember her though, my best friend keeps her calendar updated each year with my daughter's birthday.

    Lean into the Lord and don't be afraid to cry and yell and scream. (I sure did) He understands what you are feeling and is there with open arms to love on you always. Your sweet Gracie is perfect and whole, you will meet again. Take care of yourselves and if you ever need to talk, please message me:

  7. May God's love comfort you as you deliver and mourn Gracie. She will always be a part of you. Each time you give, receive or experience an act of Grace you will feel her presence. May the next few moments, days, months bring you peace and comfort.

  8. Emily and Corey,,,I was heart broken to hear of Gracie's passing, but may you find comfort in knowing she is with Jesus in a perfect world with no suffering. I will pray for you both in this unbearable time of sadness.
    All my love~ Judie Heckle

  9. Dear Emily and Corey,

    Praying for you all the way from Thailand. May God give you strength and comfort in this difficult time. In Jesus' name, amen.

    From your Jen's friend in Thailand

  10. I just read your blog post before this one about measuring big and how you prayed she would stay put until Christmas and through your b-day, I'm sooooo sorry that you lost her so close to your birthday, the same happened with my Rebekah, she was born 6 days after my b-day, the day after my middle brother's. Please, please if you want to talk after things calm down a little, feel free to email me. I hate that another couple has to join a "group" no one wants to ever have to join. Makes me sooo sad, I picture the precious children that went before us, all playing in a playground in Heaven, with Jesus hugging and loving each one of them so much. My dad is there with him bouncing the kids on his knee and hugging everyone. (He never got to meet his grandkids)
