Soft Pink

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Growth Ultrasound - Baby boy

Today was the growth ultrasound. We found out our baby is in the 80th percentile measuring 5lbs 11 ounces. We were very happy to find out his two vessel umbilical cord was not stunting his growth. It looks like we will be having a big baby. We also found out that I have extra fluid in there, which might mean more ultrasounds. I didn't quite get an answer from the doctor why I might have extra fluid. I did not see my doctor today, so they were going to let her know. My tummy two weeks ago measured at 33 weeks and today it measured 37 weeks. I am a bit in shock that I am experiencing extra fluid again. I am traveling to California tomorrow, which doctor said was fine, but please be praying that baby and I have safe travels. Also, continue to pray for the pregnancy that baby continues to grow strong and healthy and that the extra fluid would not exceed much more. Thank you! God is good and I know He is taking great care of baby and I.


  1. Emily, prayers you have! Have a wonderful trip to California, a fun shower, and a safe trip back! See you when you get home!

  2. Hey Ems! I am so excited for Corey and you! I can't wait to meet your little guy when he gets here! Praying for you!
