Soft Pink

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Baby Shower and Mother's Day

Can I just say what a wonderful weekend to have a first baby shower the same weekend as Mother's Day?! Especially with the memory of our sweet baby girl Gracie Ann and how hard last Mother's Day was. God is good and has blessed Corey and I so much with joy and excitement in waiting for this baby boy's arrival. 
My friends threw me a wonderful baby shower today here in Oregon. I loved it and had so much fun celebrating our baby. I often look back at our time with Gracie Ann, and ache for what we missed out on experiencing with her. At the same time, looking with joy in what our future holds with our son. I am just amazed how God has brought us from such a sad time to such a happier time. We appreciate all of this so much more and are so thankful for where we have been and where we are going. I just am feeling so much joy in preparing for our baby boy. Praising the Lord for His kindness, love and comfort these last couple of years. 
At the same time, I miss Gracie so much and sometimes experiencing all of this makes it worse, but I know we will be together again and trust in God's plan for our lives. Her life will not be forgotten on this earth. I also feel it is so honoring to her to be happy and excited for the arrival of her brother. 
So, tomorrow will be bittersweet celebrating Mother's Day. I am a mother of 2 babies, one I did not know on this earth and one I am soon to meet. Happy Mother's Day to all moms and so much love to moms who have lost a child. 
Update of this pregnancy: Baby boy is doing great in there. I am confident that his growth ultrasound will be positive, it is May 21, and prayers are appreciated. My stomach is growing so I am sure he is too! =) I will give an update of how it goes. Also, he is moving so much in there, which is the most amazing feeling ever. I love when I touch my belly and I can feel him. Truly amazing and something I never experienced with Gracie. I just can't get over the feeling of it. It does make me a bit thankful that Gracie was our first, because if I knew a baby was suppose to move this much and knew that feeling, I would have been at the doctors everyday thinking something happened to her. With the fluid and her not growing, I didn't feel her very much.
Thank you to all of our family and friends for your love and support with Gracie and this pregnancy.
Here is some pictures of today:

My wonderful pregnant friends who threw me the shower!

Look at the belly...Geez!

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