Soft Pink

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Baby Boy Update

10 days away from due date! Today I had my once a week appointment and for the last few I have been having to do a non-stress test (checking his heart rate). Doctors just want to make sure baby is doing good in there with his two vessel and extra fluid. Well, anyways found out today that my doctor and the perinatal doctor weren't going to let me go much longer, most likely induce next week. But, we also found out baby boy is transverse (sideways) and we could try to turn him. Although, he could most likely turn back with all the fluid in there, it is a painful to do especially since I am not dilated and it is something my doctor doesn't strongly recommend in week 38. So, Corey and I decided to just plan a c-section, which is scheduled for Tuesday, July 9 at 8:30am. We are so excited to have a date of meeting our boy. If he ends up being head down at the time, they will just induce me. I am great with either! Glad to have an end in sight...getting very uncomfortable with this huge and heavy belly. Please be in prayer for us and the arrival of our baby boy. And you never know...he could decide to come on his own before then.

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