Soft Pink

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Baby Update

We had our 20 week ultrasound, as you all have been waiting for the news, and It's a BOY!! We are very excited, especially Corey. Baby looked perfect, at the right weight for his due date and great heart beat. Unfortunately, there is this only thing, he has a 2 vessel umbilical cord, which if this was my first pregnancy they would not show concern with this, but with my history with Gracie they are going to watch his growth more closely. They see this in abnormalities sometimes and I believe Gracie had the same thing. So, today I did a blood test that will give us more peace of mind. As far as Trisomy 18 is concerned they didn't see any markers on him! Praise God! But this test will confirm. The doctors are pretty positive that it is nothing, and again it is just because of my history that they are going to watch him more closely. I get the results back in 8-10 days, more waiting and at around 30 weeks they will check his growth with ultrasound. Great doctors making sure we are getting the best care. They were really sad to have to show concern for this. All in all Corey and I left feeling much more positive and excited about bringing a baby into this world. So, I am feeling almost no nervousness at all, just a tiny bit. Continue prayers are much appreciated and as always I will keep you all updated. Thank you so much for your prayers thus far. And I can not get my scanner to work, so I need my computer savy husband's help and then I will put pictures up, which are so cute. I didn't want to wait any longer to tell you all the news.

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