Soft Pink

Thursday, December 30, 2021

10 years in Heaven

10 years ago today I gave birth to a beautiful angel. 

December 30, 2011 feels like yesterday and at times does feel like 10 years ago. I wish Gracie was here with us but also feel so honored that God chose Corey and I to be her parents for her short time here on Earth. It was not a easy road to carry her and then say goodbye to her Earth side. When I look back at that day and the months before I see how God was there through it all. I wanted a miracle of course. I wanted to hear her cry and to feel her heartbeat. I also didn't want her to feel pain so for her to have already made it to Heaven before leaving me was an answer to prayer.  I felt and still feel so much peace that she was born into the arms of Jesus.

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Matthew 5:4

10 years without her but God has blessed us immeasurably. As I type this our house is filled with 4 boys running around and causing chaos. I love being a mom to them. And Gracie lives in my heart always. I think of her daily. I have reminders of her around our house. Now that the boys are older I share her with them. The boys know they have a sister named Gracie in Heaven. 

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26

Today my dear friend Kristen and her daughter, Avery (who shares a birthday month/year with my sweet Gracie) went to visit Gracie's gravesite for me and brought her flowers and a birthday balloon. Gracie is buried in California. I am so thankful for them to go visit her on her 10th birthday in Heaven. We have been so blessed by our family and friends. Here are few pictures she shared with me that I would love to share with you:

Her stone says Born into the arms of Jesus, Gracie Ann Kukis
December 30, 2011, Our baby girl, Psalm 139:13-16