Soft Pink

Friday, June 14, 2013

Ultrasound update -35 weeks

Yesterday we had our ultrasound to check in with baby boy and his fluid. Praise God the fluid has remained the same, which means it is just part of him being a bigger baby and producing more waste and such. Fun! He measured at 7lbs 2oz. Also, my stomach is measuring big at 39 weeks. Doctor is assured and assured us that everything is looking great! She mentioned that she probably couldn't be more excited than Corey and I, but that she is extremely excited for us. And Corey and I very excited to meet our baby boy. So close. Today I am actually 36 weeks now!!! After this week, he can come anytime! We are ready. 

Here are pictures from the ultrasound yesterday:

Hair on top of his cute!

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and would appreciate still. You all have been such a huge support and encouragement to the both us. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

35 weeks

Well, I am 35 weeks this week! I can't believe how close we are getting to the due date. This week is a bittersweet week for me, because this is the week I had Gracie. She is always on my heart and mind, but a little extra this week. I am so thankful for those 35 weeks I had with Gracie. Difficult, but blessed. I wish she was here to meet her baby brother, but I know she will be watching from Heaven.

So, this means I will be experiencing new territory in this pregnancy, which is exciting but a bit nervous of how all this will go. I am feeling good, just the normal pregnancy tiredness and being uncomfortable. It has been hotter than normal for this time of year here. It is going to be cooler and maybe some rain here this week. I am actually looking forward to that. 

We have ultrasound on June 13, to check baby's growth and fluid, so please be praying for that. I will update after. Corey and I are so ready to meet our son!! His room is ready and we are ready. 

Here is a 35 week picture of baby boy and me:
35 weeks