Soft Pink

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Happy 2nd Anniversary to Us!!

Corey and I have been married two years today!! I wish I could look back and say that was a wonderful, blissful second year of marriage, but it wasn't. It was sad, difficult and exhausting, but God did provide a few blessings for us. We got to meet and hold Gracie, which I am so thankful for. Also, He provided us with a house that we continue to just love each day we are here. We found out I was pregnant right after our one year anniversary celebration and we were so excited. I remember thinking next year for our anniversary we will have a baby to celebrate with and slowly the dreams and excitement were taken away as we started seeing the doctor. God gave me the most wonderful husband, who never faltered in his faith in God and love for me in this last year. He has such a quiet strength about him that was so needed this last year. I am so thankful to God for allowing me to be his wife. We have been through the hardest thing a newly married couple could go through and it only brought us closer together and made our love for each other stronger. Corey is and continues to become my best friend, whom I love more each day. I love doing life with him. I pray that this next year will be a year of happiness and fun for us!!! It sounds superficial but honestly it would be nice. Thank you, God, for all your blessings that you have given us and continue to give us.

 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

(1 Corinthians 13:4-13 ESV)

Happy Anniversary, Corey! I love you!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happy? Mother's Day

Mother's Day was not as a happy as it should've been. I was wishing for Gracie to be here with us and to be selfish, celebrate me. I like to think she was celebrating up Heaven. I was so blessed to be her mommy for that short time here on earth. Thank you all to you wished me Happy Mother's Day and shared with me. You all made unbearable day more bearable. We happened to spend the whole day in the car driving back to Oregon after a quick trip to see Corey's sister graduate from college. It was an good way to spend the majority of the day. Corey and I spent a little bit of time looking at her pictures throughout the pregnancy and after she was delivered in the evening, which was a sweet time of remembering and reflecting on what we went through. I pray that all who have lost a child were able to find comfort in our Heavenly Father and that you were felt loved and blessed on Mother's Day. I continue to miss and think of Gracie daily. Please continue to pray for our healing! 

I ran across a few helpful things and some sweet things were shared with me. I would really like to share them with you, in case you have friends or family go through something similar or you as reader are going through a loss of a child.

The following is from this website...such a sweet letter...get the tissue:
Dearest lovely girl,
Although this Mother’s Day is creeping into your wounded heart right about now, I want to say Happy Mother’s Day anyway. Not because I want to erase your pain, but because I want you to see the beauty in your pain. The beauty is simple, that at one time or another you held life within you.
You, sweet, lovely, full of flaws and quirks; of pain and joy, YOU held a small life within you.
It could have been a life in your dreams that never came to be, it could have been a life that you had growing in you for just a few short weeks, it could be a life that you gave birth to and held, that you rocked and fed and cared for that was taken from the earth and from you far too soon. But YOU held that life. You held it tenderly with love and hope. You prayed for that life.
You loved that life, most likely for some, before it ever came to be. You loved that life, most likely for some, that NEVER came to be.
So I want to say Happy Mother’s Day.
To you who dreamed for a child but it hasn’t come true.
To you who dreamed for a child but it was answered in an unexpected way.
To you who dreamed of the child you knew of for only a few short weeks in your womb.
To you who gave your baby up for adoption
To you who grew a baby only to lose it a short time after they were born.
To you who raised a child only to lose them to an addiction or an accident.
To you who won’t be told Happy Mother’s Day this Sunday because there is no little child clinging to your hand but there is certainly one clinging to your heart.
Every baby counts, even the one you dreamed about. The one you prayed for that isn’t here, they are still your child, and you are still their mother. You still cared tenderly for that very dream, that life you hoped and prayed for and covered with love even before you knew them.
The mother whose baby, or dream of, has been lost, ripped, changed, paused or taken from them. To you, this weekend, I say Happy Mother’s Day.
No one else may see a baby, but your heart does. And my heart sees your baby,too. So even with one less baby here on earth or one less baby here in your arms, the one in your heart wants to tell you…
Happy Mother’s Day.

I shared this on Facebook, but thought I would share it with my non-Facebook friends and family:

Very helpful and information for those who know someone who has lost a child:
How to Help a Grieving Friend Blog Series 

It is so helpful to have people out there going through or have gone through something similar and have these words put on their heart to share. I wish there wasn't, but God didn't promise a life without heartache and pain.