Soft Pink

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Gracie made the third trimester!

We are in the first week of the final trimester! I feel like I have been pregnant forever with all that has been going on with this pregnancy!! I am trying to enjoy this time as much as possible, but find it difficult at times with not being able to know God's exact plan for Gracie. Faith and trust in the Lord are key ingredients to this journey we are on!

I had a doctors appointment yesterday. In the 3/d ultrasound last week,  the tech mentioned there seemed to be a lot of fluid and that possibly Gracie is having a hard time with swallowing, which is not uncommon with a Trisomy 18 baby. I am measuring 31 weeks, and normal measurement for 28 weeks is 28-30, so only one week above normal. It is not cause for too much concern right now the midwife said, my doctor had a emergency yesterday when I got to the appointment, so I didn't get to meet with her. A bit of information from a website regarding amniotic fluid, for those that don't know...

Where does amniotic fluid come from?

During the first 14 weeks of your pregnancy, fluid passes from your circulatory system into the amniotic sac. Early in the second trimester, your baby starts to swallow the fluid, pass it through his kidneys, and excrete it as urine, which he then swallows again, recycling the full volume of amniotic fluid every few hours. (Yes, this means that most of the fluid is eventually your baby's urine!)

So your baby plays an important role in keeping just the right amount of fluid in the amniotic sac. Sometimes, though, this system breaks down, resulting in either too much or too little fluid — both of which can present problems.

If you're found to have too much fluid at any point in your pregnancy, it's called hydramnios or polyhydramnios.

It also could be factor in why I am not feeling much movement from Gracie and also that she has Trisomy 18, which some babies will have less movement. I will be going to doctor every two weeks now, and we will see how that progresses. Keep you updated.

Continue prayers are appreciated!!!

On a side note, non-baby news...Corey and I are getting a home and we get the keys tomorrow!! We will be moving Saturday. I get the luxury of telling people what to do and where to put things. It should be fun and relaxing for me. A bonus of being pregnant.

Again, can't thank you enough for sharing Gracie's story and the prayers and the encouragement that come with that!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

27 Weeks 3D Ultrasound Pictures

Yesterday was my 3D ultrasound appointment and it was so great to see her again!! Ultrasounds are great, but at the same time it is sad, because as she is getting a bit bigger you see more of the abnormalities. So please continue to pray for her!! Gracie was moving around a lot though and it is amazing that I don't feel her more in there. Tech struggled with getting good pictures because she kept moving, but here are few cute ones to share with you.

I love her little ears!

Gracie likes to cover her face with her hands...a little camera shy.

A looks like she might be smiling in this one